See also — Municipal Websites
Business & Community Websites
Superior Antiques & Gifts in Sheboygan, Wisconsin is owned and operated by John Behrens. John's love of antiques began when he was just 10 years old which makes some of the collectables in his store over 50 years old.
The Sheboygan River Progressive Farmers live and farm around the Sheboygan River in Wisconsin. Their purpose is to test and explore farming strategies that lead to improved soil health, greater farming efficiency, sustain profitability and lessen the impact on the environment. Members of the alliance share information gained through field trials with fellow farmers, thus increasing the sustainability of farming across the basin.
Mike Entringer Construction — Custom Home Remodeling. Beautiful woodwork results with our custom-made approach.
Superior Lawn and Garden Center offers many different services to keep your outdoor spaces looking their best. Our experienced landscape designers can provide you with the outdoor space of your dreams. They make sure the outside of your home or business is just as personal and beautiful as the inside.
Premier Outdoor Services is a full-service landscape and snow removal business in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. After many years in business, James Coulson, Owner of Premier realized he needed a simple, functional web presence to get his products and services out to area businesses and home owners. His website highlights his focus on working with business owners to provide reliable, year-round service.
We took over Superior Paint & Plaster's website when owner Jeff Seifert had trouble with hacking and general Wordpress problems. After years of dealing with Wordpress associated issues, Jeff wanted the site out of Wordpress. I recreated the site to look much like it had but used the always functional and user-friendly left, vertical navigation rather than a lot of drop-down menus. The site still looks great and users can find what they are looking for at a glance.
Natural Health Ministries in Hartford, Wisconsin provides many services. They have a passion for helping people and they have served their clientele well for many years.
Our Lady of the Holyland, located in the northwest corner of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. We use the parish website to post the bulletin weekly, mass times, and events and meetings, along with other information of interest to parishioners. We also provide a link to the school website, as well as many other useful links.
Hundreds of photos highlight the Adventure Quest Productions site. Author Jon Helminiak has traveled all over the world and written several books about his adventures.
KP Welding & Fabricating owner Saunders Kohn needed a new look for his website. To display their diverse work, I added a photo gallery of recent projects. KP is located in Sheboygan, WI.
The Thistlefield Books site was created to showcase the books of authors Belden and Lisa Paulson. We continue to expand the website as they write more books. Ordering information is also available on the site.
Mannhardt Inc. was looking for a new site design, hosting services and a new domain. Within three weeks we had their site up and running showcasing their Ice Machines, Dispensers, and Baggers.
At Classic Pumps you will find the highest quality, most flattering, genuine leather high heeled pumps on the market today. This site was both a challenge and great fun! Their old site had been around since 1992. As websites often do, Classic Pumps lost its functionality and user-friendliness over the years. It was definitely time for a new look and some clean-up. It is now a clean, concise, quality site - the kind I like to make!
Strategic Municipal Services has been supporting communities, government and industry since 1984. Based in Plymouth, Wisconsin, SMS contracts with municipalities and businesses throughout the state to help with their civil engineer and survey needs.
Turning her brochure into a web site was an inexpensive, easy way for April Tarras to connect with current and prospective customers. The essential basic and contact information makes April's business visible at this time and she can add to her site at any time in the future.
Haiti Evangelical Christian Church Mission - Haiti