See also — Business & Community Websites
Municipal Websites
As a former town clerk/treasurer, I understand the day-to-day operations of municipal government in Wisconsin. I use my past experience and passion for helping small towns and villages to create user-friendly websites which provide all the information residents need. Because of my extensive experience, I am able to advise and guide town/village officials along the website development process, making their project less time-consuming and daunting.
Town of Meeme
Manitowoc County
Town of Springvale
Columbia County
Town of Jackson
Washington County
Village of Redgranite
Waushara County
Town of Eaton
Manitowoc County
Town of Bloomfield
Waushara County
Village of Cedar Grove
Sheboygan County
Town of Bridge Creek
Eau Claire County
Town of Two Rivers
Manitowoc County
Village of Glenbeulah
Sheboygan County
Town of Berlin
Marathon County
Village of Valders
Manitowoc County
Town of Russell
Sheboygan County
Town of Eldorado
Fond du Lac County
Village of Potter
Calumet County
Town of Hamburg
Marathon County
Town of Ludington
Eau Claire County
Town of Springvale
Fond du Lac County
Village of Bagley
Grant County
Mt. Calvary Ambulance & Fire
Fond du Lac County
Town of Birnamwood
Shawano County
Town of Aurora
Waushara County
Town of Blue Mounds
Dane County
Greenbush Volunteer Fire Dept
Sheboygan County
Village of Mt. Calvary
Fond du Lac County
Sanitary District
Sheboygan County
Town of Lima
Sheboygan County
Town of Marshfield
Fond du Lac County